
Reminder: EnergIIZE Hydrogen Funding Lane Open Soon

February 21, 2024

The EnergIIZE Hydrogen funding lane is back, and it’s your chance to secure your piece of the up to $16 million for your medium- or heavy-duty hydrogen fuel cell vehicle projects. The application window opens on April 17, 2024—mark your calendar! Review the fact sheet and quick tips on the application process!

Why go for it?

The EnergIIZE Hydrogen funding lane, funded by the California Energy Commission (CEC) and administered by CALSTART, offers the highest incentive funding cap of all EnergIIZE funding lanes. It covers 50-75% of eligible equipment and software costs up to $3 million (standard) or $4 million (Jump Start equity criteria).
Eligible items include, but are not limited to, compressors, chillers, liquid and gaseous hydrogen pumps and storage, electrolysis equipment, utility transformers (non-IOU service area), switch gear and circuit breaker panel, utility service upgrades (e.g. amperage upgrades to infrastructure site), liquid and gaseous hydrogen pumps and high-pressure storage, conduit, cabling, brakers, panels, transformers, switchgear, utility service upgrades and stub-outs, point-of-sale systems, piping and pipelines.

Coming Soon

Look out for the Implementation Manual release on March 6, 2024. Get ready for the application process by exploring the Sandbox test application portal and attending the How to Apply Workshop on March 26, 2024.


For more details, visit the EnergIIZE website or reach out to [email protected].

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